Latest Ham Radio Posts
ICOM IC-9700
So, recently I acquired an ICOM IC-9700, a VHF/UHF/1.2Ghz (70cm/2/m/23cm) all mode amateur band radio. It’s quite a sophisticated radio and it can do AM/FM/SSB
DMR XLX Reflector codes
I’m just going to put this here until I memorize these…. Reflectors usuage on DMR radios are a somwhat strange beast. The methodology employed to
Latest Ham News…
As usual, it’s been a while since my last amateur radio post. Not to fear, there is plenty of activity going on in the amateur
NetLogger API… observations
NetLogger is an application designed to create logged ham radio nets and have those logs available online in real time. If you are serious about
PALSTAR HF-Auto review
I have been using my new HF-Auto and LA-1K, for over a week now and this is a good point for an initial equipment review.
New ICOM SHF transceiver
Wow. This is a first for amateur radio – a commercial SHF radio. SHF introduces operating challenges such as extreme signal losses with long coaxial,
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